Before & after Scalp Micro-pigmentation
We love seeing the final results and seeing smiling faces!
Most after pictures are done directly after procedure so redness will fade away
This process can be an emotional one for our clients as you can see from the video above
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a procedure done in our shop from start to finish
The video is set in a 4 minute timelapse so scroll past if you like to look at some before and after pics then come back to see the end
Customer Testimonials
"There was a time that my Hair was so thin that I swear, if I dropped a hundred dollar bill, I would've been so embarrassed because of how much of my scalp people could see through my hair that I would have left it there and sadly walked away. After visiting with Christopher, I feel like I've been touch by the hands of an Angel.
Susan H.
"I've been shaving my head for 20 years because I didn't like losing my hair, and no doubt in my mind I was completely fine with that. Anyone that knows me would tell you I wasn't lacking confidence in myself but my wife kept talking about going to see them and Holy Crap, had it done and I feel 20 years younger... I feel like Superman!
Johnny A.
"After my accident, when people saw me they saw my scars, not me. Now, after getting a paramedical tattoo over them, when people see me, they see ME! You're a dream come true!"