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My mom got stretch marks while pregnant. Does that mean I will also?


If you're like most moms, one of your primary concerns is to reform your body to its pre-baby status after giving birth.

Even a lovely pregnancy glow can't compensate for weight gain, swollen feet, acne, and the host of physical alterations caused by carrying a child. You want your body back.

Honestly, there's no sure way to predict if you'll get stretch marks. So many factors come into play and can increase your odds.

What causes stretch marks during pregnancy?

Stretch marks are tiny tears in the supporting layers of tissue under your skin as it's pulled tight during pregnancy.

While it's not an exact science determining which women will get stretch marks, some factors make you more susceptible.

  • Genetics – If your mom has stretch marks, you're likely to as well.

  • Baby Size – You need more room to carry a big baby or multiples, so your skin expands more than usual.

  • Excess Amniotic Fluid – This is the fluid surrounding your baby, and carrying excess amounts can be caused by a host of issues.

  • Rapid Weight Gain - The faster your skin stretches, the more likely it to leave a mark.

While these factors could increase your odds, again, it's not an exact science. For example, my mom has stretch marks, and I was lucky enough to come out of pregnancy with not one new stretch mark. On the flip side, I was also super sick my entire pregnancy. Not just during my pregnancy but also labor! My mom held a barf bag for me during labor and probably close to an hour after delivery!

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent stretch marks completely. However, you can tip the scales in your favor by:

  1. Lifestyle habits- including eating well and exercising regularly

  2. drinking plenty of water

  3. moisturizing your skin

  4. Nourish your skin from the inside

  5. trying to gain weight slowly

  6. Wait it out, and hopefully, time will heal

Can I prevent stretch marks?

It's important to understand that no single treatment works for everyone — and many products don't seem to work at all.

Stretch mark creams, lotions, and gels: Researchers have studied many creams, lotions, and gels sold to treat stretch marks. While no one product seems to help all of the time — and some don't seem to help at all.

If you want to try one of these creams, lotions, or gels to fade stretch marks, be sure to:

  • Use the product on early stretch marks. Treatment seems to have little effect on mature stretch marks.

  • Massage the product into your stretch marks. Taking time to massage the product gently into your skin may make it more effective.

  • Apply the product every day for weeks. If you see results, they take weeks to appear.

Home remedies: There is no scientific evidence that oils & vitamins can make stretch marks fade.

  • Using these oils & vitamins and other techniques such as Micro-pigmentation and Scar Camouflage can help make stretch marks less visible.

  • massaging almond oil, cocoa butter, olive oil, or vitamin E into your stretch marks can keep your skin nourished and moisturized, which can help prevent stretch marks

Prescription medicine you apply to your skin: In studies, two ingredients seem to offer some relief:

  • Hyaluronic acid

  • Tretinoin

Procedures that can be performed: The following procedures can make stretch marks less noticeable, but none of these can get rid of stretch marks:

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