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PRE-CARE; Skin Camouflage. How to get your and your body ready for your Skin Camouflage treatments.

Woo Hoo! It's almost time to make those scars, stretch marks, or skin discolorations disappear!! But, of course, we want to get you as prepared as possible before your session, so let's get you ready for that appointment!

  • We strongly advise prospective new clients to book their appointments at least 1 month in advance of .. Vacations, Weddings, and Special Occasions to allow any scabbing to heal. Also, anything you might want to show a little skin, We want you to look your best!

  • In-person or e-consultation by phone or TEXT must be scheduled before booking service. Are you Nervous, shy, or just not sure how to take the first step for a consultation? Don't be! We make it as easy and comfortable as possible. Come in for a consultation if you want to meet us and check out our Studio. We would love to meet you. However, if you don't want to wait for an in-person consult, or if you feel more comfortable and enjoy sitting at home on your couch and getting some more information, that works for us also! All you got to do is send us a text, and we will take it from there. We will ask a couple of questions through chat, might ask for pictures, and that's it! Our Studio is very zen and relaxing, so don't hesitate to send a text and chat with us.

  • Clients must wait 6 months since initial scaring before treatment for Ink Skin Camouflage. Inkless can begin sooner.

  • Sessions are booked for 4hr time blocks or less depending on the treatment. Additional sessions & or Days will/may be needed for multiple areas requiring more time at no additional charge. If a specific day allows us to provide a more extended session, we will. Still, it is not guaranteed. 4 hrs seems to be a reasonable amount of time for our clients, and you don't typically want to go longer than this per session as numbing cream wears off and pain receptors are heightened.

Pre-Care Instructions

For your medical tattoos to heal correctly and look their best, the pre-care instructions found below are of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE. Pre-ca e instructions are designed to limit bleeding and skin sensitivities during the procedure. Excess bleeding during the procedure can dilute the color and lead to poor results.

Now I know this looks like a lot, but it's actually straightforward and a lot of basic things I like to try and remind you of!

  • No laser treatments at least 4-6 weeks before working on the treated area

  • Antibiotics. ***MOST IMPORTANTLY: If you are under the care of a physician and taking prescribed medications: Check with your doctor regarding interactions and any medications you may choose to use in preparation for or for use during your procedures (see details below). Do NOT discontinue medication prescribed by your physician without consulting them first.

  • *Just a reminder: Pain receptors are heightened if you're menstruating, so please plan accordingly for procedure dates to avoid added discomfort. This g. Still, it's the same if you have had a Covid Shot or Booster in the past 30 days

Week of Treatment

  • I recommend you take vitamin K-1 or Arnica supplements or increase your intake of foods high in vitamin K for 5 days before your procedure. You can get these at many pharmacies, drug stores, or Amazon. Vitamin K-1 & Arnica supplements help prevent excessive bleeding, bruising, and swelling, resulting in better pigment retention.

  • No tanning a week or 2 before. Please make sure your skin is not tanned so that we can Match your correct skin tone.

48-72 hrs Before the appointment

  • Do not work out 48 hours before the procedure. Weight lifting and strenuous exercise should be avoided at least 2 days before your session. Putting strain on your muscles can cause swelling and soreness, which may heighten the sensation of the tattoo and increase healing time. It can also cause your skin to stretch slightly, resulting in distorted tattoo when your skin returns to normal.

  • Avoid alcohol 48 hours before your procedure. - Alcohol can thin your blood because it prevents blood cells from sticking together and forming clots. Since alcohol acts like blood-thinner*, avoiding them will minimize any oozing or swelling after the procedure. Also, any excess fluids will reduce the amount of pigment absorption, which we don’t want to happen. Instead, we want to help the pigment stay deep inside during your healing process. Besides, the more you bleed, the more pain you would feel.

Side note If you love caffeine as much as I do, you may drink after your appointment. And here is more good news: Our Studio also provides complimentary refreshments, including coffee, so feel free to enjoy your cup of coffee before stepping out!

  • Avoid taking any medically unnecessary- Ibuprofen, Naproxen, vitamin E, fish oil, or aspirin in the days before you come, most importantly the 48 hours before your appointment.

side note Did you know that ingredients such as fish oil or cinnamon are natural blood thinners? Surprising, isn’t it? Click here to read more about hidden blood thinners.

  • Exfoliate 3 days to a week before to get rid of any dead skin cells on your body

  • Shave/wax areas - Hair can harbor bacteria, so to make sure that the tiny hairs will not get in the way of the ink, shaving/waxing is mandatory. If you have sensitive skin or shaving irritates your skin, you can shave a few days before your tattoo to let your skin calm down. Waxing should be done with enough time to let your skin heal and not be raw from a fresh wax.

Day of Treatment

  • Wear loose clothes on the appointment; the areas treated will be slightly tender. We have robes, nightgowns, maternity gowns, shorts, tops, and pasties for the breasts if needed. The clothing will be provided and hanging in the restroom for you you choose and pick according. If wearing your own clothes, please make sure we can reach all areas needed to be treated. FOR EXAMPLE - If we are working on a scar on your upper arm please wear a tank top, not a t-shirt covering your upper arm. If we are working on butt stretch marks, please wear a thong as we can not access the area with a bikini/brief underwear. We will provide sheets and blankets so you can stay covered up as much as possible.

  • Please eat a healthy, well-balanced meal before we meet and drink lots of water.

  • No lotion, oils, or sweat on the skin the day of.

  • DO NOT have any caffeine the day of your appointment. -“What about caffeine? I must have coffee!” I hear you! But caffeine stimulates your central nervous system, heart, muscles, and the centers that control blood pressure. How that hinders your treatment is that it raises your blood pressure, making your nerve endings more sensitive and preventing you from numbing.

side note, it can make your body twitch, and we don't want that needle to slip!

We reserve the right to deny service to anyone at our discretion. If you have (or had) any of the following contraindicative conditions below, don't hesitate to contact us before scheduling to ensure you are a candidate. Diagnosed conditions that are waived may be required to bring a doctor’s note stating their approval.

Upcoming vacations

Pregnant or nursing


Viral infections and/or disease


Pacemaker or heart conditions

Had an Organ transplant

Tendency towards keloids

Seborrheic dermatitis

Skin irritations or psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)

Sick (cold, flu, etc.)

Used Accutane in the past year

Taken Doxycycline in the past 6 months

Allergies to anesthetic (lidocaine) or epinephrine

Extremely problematic skin

Within 6 months of chemotherapy

Auto-immune diseases

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